Our Mission Statement:
In a Rapidly changing world, our mission at West View School is to provide all students with the tools needed to achieve their maximum potential academically and socially.
West View Elementary School
Our Mission Statement:
In a Rapidly changing world, our mission at West View School is to provide all students with the tools needed to achieve their maximum potential academically and socially.
Follow us on: Twitter @West_View_School on Facebook @West View School
School Hours: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Doors Open for Students: 7:30 am
Breakfast: Served daily from 7:30 - 8:00 am
Late Arrivals: Parents arriving after 8:00 am must enter the school and sign their child in.
Give us a Heads Up! Let us know when your child is having a bad day or may need some extra support.
We will continue using Car Rider Pro again this year. All new parents will need a car tag, which will be scanned as you enter the car line. If you do not have your tag, you must enter the front office with a driver's license to sign your student out. Existing tag numbers from last year will continue to be used, and any new tags will be issued during Open House.
New Bus Procedures: Bus notes will no longer be accepted for students riding home with another student. All students may only ride their assigned bus.
Our webpage is frequently updated for your convenience. Here you will find the WV Student Handbook, the WC Student Handbook, and bus and car line morning and afternoon procedures. Please make sure that you visit this page.
Click here.
147 out of 276, or 40.5 % of students, had Perfect Attendance for the month of August.
Students Receive 2 Vol Tickets and their name entered in a drawing to win a prize.
Chronic Absenteeism Data
A student who is chronically absent misses school for any reason (excused, unexcused, suspended/expelled). Chronic absenteeism is commonly defined as missing 10 percent or more of instructional days, the threshold at which research indicates most students are at risk of negative academic and social consequences.
Chronic Absenteeism
40 of 276, or 14.5% of students are chronically absent for the month of August.
Grade Level Breakdown
K - 2 students
1st - 6 students
2nd - 7 students
3rd - 2 students
4th - 4 students
5th - 2 students
6th - 5 students
7th - 6 students
8th - 6 students
Regular school attendance is crucial for student success. Chronic absenteeism can significantly impact academic progress and social development. Please ensure your child attends school consistently to foster their growth and achievement.
Thank you for your support!
Coach: Austin Frawley
Assistant Coach: Jade Frawley
Pioneer Middle School Football Schedule Coming Soon!
Booster Members:
President: Mandi Brown
Vice President- Rachel Cloyd
Secretary- Donna Dahlquist
Treasurer- Brandi Christian
PTO Members
President: Montana Harris
Vice President: Jessica McKee
Secretary: Emily Darnell
Treasurer: Laura Bishop
School Rep: Jordan Moates
Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of Each month @3:30
West View Athletics 6th-8th grade
Volleyball-Austin Frawley
Football- Terry Burger
Boys Basketball- DJ Britton
Girls Basketball- Peyton Davis
Cheerleading- Laura Arredondo
Cross Country- Katie Edens/Kristen Williams
Girls Soccer-Ronald Sells
Boys Soccer- Cory Judd
Track- Katie Edens, Kristen Williams
Wrestling: Jerry Helton
Baseball: TBD
Softball: Ariel Flanagan
West View Clubs 5th-8th
Chorus: Caleb Shaw
Robotics: Austin Yarber/Brennan Allen
Beta- Trish Fleenor, Tammy Fleenor
Band- Preston Holly
Student Council- Jordan Moates, Peyton Davis
FCA- Byron Tolley
Builders Club- Emily Darnell
Student Advisory Committee- Robin Street
Student Attendance Team- Brooke Drinnon
Art Club- Austin Yarber
Girls on the Run- Lauren Ladd, Shalina WIllis
Yearbook Club- Shalina Willis
Literacy/Writing Club- Shalina Willis, Keeli Byrd
Esports- Brennan Allen
Girls who Code- Whitney Tapp
Garden Club- Kristen Corrigan